Five Year Financial Summary

Consolidated Income Statement

Falklands Islands Company 21,671 20,874 21,655 29,383 29,028
Momart 18,804 10,259 15,598 19,512 19,255
Gosport Ferry ( PHFC ) 4,125 1,445 3,066 3,817 4,177
Total Group Turnover 44,600 32,578 40,319 52,712 52,460
Falklands Islands Company 2,121 1,852 1,835 1,955 1,766
Momart 1,469 30 1,090 1,450 1,394
Gosport Ferry ( PHFC ) 975 (856) 155 608 856
Underlying Operating Profit 4,565 1,026 3,080 4,013 4,016
Operating Profit Margin 10.2% 3.1% 7.6% 7.6% 7.7%
Share of Joint Venture Results - - - - -
Net Financing Costs (856) (881) (796) (795) (639)
Underlying Pre-Tax Profit 3,709 145 2,284 3,218 3,377
Amortisation of intangibles (7479) - - - -
Other Non-trading items (share issue costs, restructuring) - 57 404 828 (615)
Profit Before Tax (3,770) 202 2,688 4,046 2,762
Taxation Charge (958) (193) (1,203) (924) (796)
-25% 96% 45% 23% 29%
Net Profit After Tax (4,728) 9 1,485 3,122 1,966
Weighted Avg. Number of Shares in Issue 12,684 12,752 12,520 12,520 12,520
Diluted EPS on Underlying PAT 21.7p 0.0p 9.5p 20.1p 19.4p

Balance Sheet Details

  31 March
31 March
31 March
31 March
31 March
FIH plc : 5 Year Financial Summary
Net Assets / Shareholders' Funds 38,792 39,064 40,825 43,974 45,086
Cash 9,108 14,556 9,572 12,800 9,650
Bank Borrowings (15,734) (20,110) (14,183) (13,255) (12,326)
Net Cash / Bank Borrowings (6,626) (5,554) (4,611) (455) (2,676)

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Profit Before Tax (3,770) 202 2,688 4,046 2,762
Add back:
Depreciation 1,995 2,230 2,413 2,630 2,556
Amortisation 7,547 63 21 10 20
Share of Joint venture profits - - - - -
Net interest 856 881 796 798 639
Fair value movement in deriviative financial instrument - - (704) (907) 244
Exchange gains/(losses) (54) 3 13 26 19
Share option charge 97 1 45 41 (93)
Increase in hire purchase debtors 128 (33) (88) 158 118
Other cash flows, including open offer and pension transfers 78 53 (9) (337) 35
Working capital movement (1,444) 495 291 1,414 (3,137)
Cash flow from operations, before tax, interest and dividends 5,433 3,895 5,466 7,879 3,163
Cash flow from operations, before tax, interest and dividends
Falklands Islands Company 1,829 3,305 3,234 4,253 320
Momart 2,252 1,582 1,518 2,633 1,087
Gosport Ferry (PHFC) 1,345 (140) 487 1,005 1,436
Unallocated 7 (852) 227 (12) 320
Cash flow from operations, before tax, interest and dividends 5,433 3,895 5,466 7,879 3,163
Capital Expenditure
Falklands Islands Company (2,685) (1,060) (2,434) (1,206) (1,337)
Momart (638) (540) (152) (573) (540)
Gosport Ferry (PHFC) (65) (0) (52) (205) (335)
Total Capital Expenditure (3,388) (1,600) (2,638) (1,984) (2,212)
Taxes paid (659) (64) (256) (243) (835)
Proceeds from fixed asset disposals - - 76 378 53
Net interest (paid)/received (805) (817) (740) (728) (552)
Bank loan & Hire purchase repayments, net of drawdowns 3,059 4,116 (6,643) (1,546) (1,610)
Cash flows payments to pensioners and pension scheme transfers (97) (98) (99) (101) (319)
Investment in, and loans to joint venture - - - - -
Other, including Treasury share cash flows 25 16 (25) (26) (19)
Dividends paid (644) - (125) (401) (819)
Other Cash Flows 879 3,153 (7,812) (2,667) (4,101)
Net Cash Flow 2,924 5,448 (4,984) 3,228 (3,150)
Opening Cash 6,184 9,108 14,556 9,572 12,800
Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents 9,108 14,556 9,572 12,800 9,650
Total net cash / debt
Cash and Cash Equivalents 9,108 14,556 9,572 12,800 9,650
Bank Debt (15,734) (20,110) (14,183) (13,255) (12,326)
Total net bank debt / cash (6,626) (5,554) (4,611) (455) (2,676)
Actual - 14,556 9,572 12,800 9,650
Variance - 0 0 0 0

Operating Companies